SWG Wiki

Part of the Crusader armor set. It can be purchased for 500 Commendations from the Imperial Commendation Officer (/way 5976 5642) or the Rebel Commendation Officer (/way 4777 5789) in Restuss on Rori.

Schematic info[]


Crusader Mark II Left Bicep draft schematic

Crusader Mark II Left Bicep is no trade. However, the owner can deconstruct the armor (one time only) to a single use bio-linked temporary schematic, which can then be traded to a munitions trader for crafting. This process removes all protections, modifiers, and customized colors, but can result in increased protections and a socket for skill enhancing attachments. The crafted version of this armor uses a different custom color palette than crusader armor. Later color customizations can only be made using a Crafted Armor Color Kit.

External links[]

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Fiberplast Panel (Schematic)
