SWG Wiki


Great job so far. Here are my comments:

Phase I: Construction

Paragraph 1 - Spelling: seige should be siege. Also in this paragraph and the next, add the Planning Tables. They function like War Terminals. (Planning Tables & War Terminals should display the new factional status of the planet with respect to Special Forces players in GCW declared cities.)

Paragraph 3, Line 2 - Spelling: uesd should be used.

Paragraph 4 List - Spelling: resourecs should be resources

Vehicle Patrol Pylons - Content: I'm not sure that these work in this way. In Dearic and Keren you will see ones specifically labeled for Siege Vehicles (the Hailfires and AT-ATs). I'll double-check on the levels for the AT-XTs.

Phase II: The Invasion

I could be mistaken, but I believe anyone with a construction tool can repair a defense on their side. Something else to confirm.

Hope you don't mind that I added the comments here. I didn't want to presume to use the editor.

